Category: Global Insights
Jangan Sekali-kali Meninggalkan Sejarah ! (Pidato Sukarno, 17 Agustus 1966)
Assalamu’alaikum Warakhmatullahi Wabarakatuh! Merdeka! Saudara-saudara sekalian Hari ini adalah tanggal 17 Agustus 1966! Hari ulang tahun ke-21 daripada Republik kita. Pada hari ini Republik kita genap berusia duapuluh satu tahun, atau lebih dari 1.000 minggu! Kita bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bahwa Ia telah melindungi dan menuntun negara dan bangsa kita, hingga kita dengan…
The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy (Mariana Mazzucato, 2018)
Common Critique of Value Extraction The vital but often muddled distinction between value extraction and value creation has consequences far beyond the fate of companies and their workers, or even of whole societies. The social, economic and political impacts of value extraction are huge. Prior to the 2007 financial crisis, the income share of the…
Strategic Vision: Toward a Global Realignment (Zbigniew Brzezinski, 2016)
As its era of global dominance ends, the United States needs to take the lead in realigning the global power architecture. Five basic verities regarding the emerging redistribution of global political power and the violent political awakening in the Middle East are signaling the coming of a new global realignment. The first of these verities…
Playing With Fire in Ukraine (John Mearsheimer, 2022)
Western policymakers appear to have reached a consensus about the war in Ukraine: the conflict will settle into a prolonged stalemate, and eventually a weakened Russia will accept a peace agreement that favors the United States and its NATO allies, as well as Ukraine. Although officials recognize that both Washington and Moscow may escalate to…
The Lonely Superpower (Samuel Huntington, 1999)
The New Dimension of Power During the past decade global politics has changed fundamentally in two ways. First, it has been substantially reconfigured along cultural and civilizational lines, as I have highlighted in the pages of this journal and documented at length in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Second, as…
The Clash of Civilizations? (Samuel Huntington, 1993)
The Next Pattern of Conflict World politics is entering a new phase, and intellectuals have not hesitated to proliferate visions of what it will be the end of history, the return of traditional rivalries between nation states, and the decline of the nation state from the conflicting pulls of tribalism and globalism, among others. Each…
Kesaksian Ben Anderson 1996 : “Cornell Paper”, G30S, Jusuf Wanandi, CSIS-BAKIN, OPSUS dan Timor-Timur
In the fall of 1985, I was invited to a small conference in Washington on the topic of the relations between scholars and governments. One purpose of the meeting was to have attendees compare personal experiences. Accordingly, I prepared the document appended below. At the time I had no thought of publishing it. But now…
Lahirkanlah Asia Baru dan Afrika Baru (Sukarno, Pidato Konferensi Asia-Afrika, 18 April 1955)
Tuan-tuan Yang Mulia, Nyonya-nyonya dan Tuan-tuan, Saudara-saudara sekalian ! Saya merasa bangga pada hari yang bersejarah ini mendapat kebormatan dan hak istimewa mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Tuan-tuan sekalian. Atas nama rakyat dan Pemerintah Indonesia — yang menerima Tuan-tuan saya minta maaf dan kesabaran dari Tuan-tuan, jika kiranya ada keadaan di negeri kami ini yang tidak…