Category: Paper Penelitian

  • Crossing Borders: Indonesian Experience with Local Conflict Resolution (2011)

    Crossing Borders: Indonesian Experience with Local Conflict Resolution (2011)

    Several centuries of interaction across ethnic and religious difference in the Indonesian archipelago have been accompanied by the evolution of local ways of resolving communal disputes and violence. We term the resulting norms and practices ‘local conflict resolution’. The development of these ways of mediating across difference has itself sometimes been violent, yet the accompanying…

  • Dislokasi Politik dan Konflik Kebijakan: Kontestasi Politik dan Hukum

    Dislokasi Politik dan Konflik Kebijakan: Kontestasi Politik dan Hukum

    Jurnal Analisis CSIS, Vol 46, No 1, 2017, hal 107-126, link Abstrak Sebuah paradoks politik dan hukum sepertinya sedang berlangsung di Indonesia. Demokrasi sedang berkembang, tetapi kasus korupsi menimpa politisi dan pejabat publik yang terpilih dalam pilkada di daerah begitu banyak. Tinjauan kritis diperlukan atas permasalahan ini: bagaimana praktik penggunaan wewenang KPK dijalankan di…

  • Post-Fundamentalist Islamism and the Politics of Citizenship in Indonesia

    Post-Fundamentalist Islamism and the Politics of Citizenship in Indonesia

    Politics of Citizenship in Indonesia, Springer, pp 229–253 Since the beginning of 2000s, Indonesia has witnessed the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. Its rise has been largely—though not necessarily—associated with brutal terrorist attacks in a number of places in Java and Bali; deadly religious conflicts in Ambon and Poso; and battering downs of so-called “places…

  • Paths to Peace: Contending Discourses on Communal Violence in the Post New Order Indonesia

    Paths to Peace: Contending Discourses on Communal Violence in the Post New Order Indonesia

    Power, Conflict, Democracy Journal, link Abstract This paper discusses actual discourses that have shaped the ways in which violent communal conflicts have been understood, and how different practices of interventions have been applied to address the conflicts in the post-New Order Indonesia. The discourses have their own perspectives, practical interventions, and agencies. Against the…

  • Diversity, Democratisation and Indonesian Leadership

    Diversity, Democratisation and Indonesian Leadership

    Australian Journal of International Affairs, link ABSTRACTIndonesia’s normative leadership at the 1955 Asian-African Conference was grounded in anti-colonialism that became part of the ‘Bandung spirit’. However, the shape of Indonesia’s recent leadership, following its remarkable democratisation, is harder to fathom. In response, this article suggests that Indonesia’s regional and international engagements can be usefully…

  • Indonesian Paths to Peace:From Liberal Framework to Local Conflict Resolution

    Indonesian Paths to Peace:From Liberal Framework to Local Conflict Resolution

    Power, Conflict, Democracy Journal (PCD), Link AbstractThis paper, based on literature review and field research, presents a mapping of perspectives cum models of conflict resolution employed in the whole process of resolving communal/inter-communal conflicts in the last ten years. It finds out that various perspectives and models originating in liberal paradigms of society, order,…

  • Ekonomi-Politik Pandemi di Indonesia:Teknokrasi Bencana dan Dislokasi Konflik Politik (2021)

    Ekonomi-Politik Pandemi di Indonesia:Teknokrasi Bencana dan Dislokasi Konflik Politik (2021)

    (Bab 3, Buku Pandemi, Konflik, Transformasi, Gama Press, September 2021, hal 53-81, (co-author Luqman-nul Hakim), Link Bab ini memberi perhatian khusus kepada hubungan saling pengaruh antara agenda Global Reset melalui pandemi COVID-19 dan eksperimentasi tata-kelola krisis kesehatan di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan Analisis Governmentalitas, diperoleh gambaran mengenai terbentuknya formasi ideologis serta model teknokrasi bencana di…

  • Ekonomi-Politik Keamanan: Korporasi, Negara dan Aceh Pasca-Konflik

    Ekonomi-Politik Keamanan: Korporasi, Negara dan Aceh Pasca-Konflik

    Gangguan keamanan terhadap kegiatan korporasi migas di Aceh secara aktual dan potensial terjadi karena investasi di tengah kondisi ketertinggalan daerah menjadi insentif bagi tindak kriminal dan premanisme baik oleh kelompok mantan kombatan yang terpolarisasi maupun kelompok warga yang didera kemiskinan akut di sekitar wilayah investasi. Gangguan keamanan terhadap dunia investasi di Aceh tidak terlepas dari…

ASEAN Asia Tenggara Beijing benturan geopolitik Biden Bill gates biopolitik pandemi Brexit BRI BRICS clash of civilization counter-hegemoni Covid-19 dekolonisasi dekonstruksi demokrasi indonesia demokrasi liberal demokrasi radikal derrida Dokter Terawan ernesto laclau fenomenologi Gazprom Geopolitik geopolitik indonesia geopolitik Sukarno gerakan sosial gramatologi GWOT Halmahera Barat Halmahera Utara ideologi terorisme Islam Politik Jokowi komunisme Konflik tambang krisis taiwan Laut China Selatan mazhab frankfurt metafisika kehadiran Multipolar NASAKOM nasionalisme vaksin NATO Neo-NAZI Neoliberalisme Olaf Scholz Oligarki Nasional Orde Baru Orde Lama Pentagon Perang Dingin Perang Dunia II Perang proksi Politik Identitas populisme amerika latin populisme eropa postrukturalisme radikalisme resolusi konflik semiologi senjata biologis Sergei Lavrov Soekarno sosiologi pengetahuan sosiologi politik Suharto teori kritis Terorisme Islam Uni Eropa unipolar UUD 1945 Vandana Shiva Vladimir putin WEF Xi Jinping Zbigniew Brzezinski