Category: Studi Pustaka
Multiculturalism, Democracy Citizenship (2017)
Multiculturalism and pluralism have occupied central stage in contemporary talk. Comtemporarines of this talk relates to the increasing tension between national and transnational dimensions and sources of identity construction and formation. Quite in contrast with pluralism as political category, multiculturalism seems to be the most debated and contested theoretical and practical project world-wide. It conveys…
Marx, False Consciousness and Religion (2017)
Marx’s concept of religion is situated within his philosophy of historical materialism. It means his understanding of religion is integral to his criticism of capitalism that divides society into capitalist class and working class. Religion takes part as legitimation force for reproduction of this exploitative system of life-world that conditions proleteriats to finds solace in…
Society and Typology of Religion (2017)
Social and political sciences work with variety of typology. This also applies in the study of religion as has been evident in both sociology and anthropology of religion. Typology enables us to understand and analyse human and social reality with all its material and symbolic structure and signification. In undertaking study of religion, typology matters…
Religion and Its Emancipatory Contents (2017)
Study of religion has two aspects that constitute two separate approaches. First aspect is descriptive, that seeks to study social, economic, and political characteristic of religion as human and social practice, and also as social institution. This aspect looks at religion as social reality comprising of material, practical and symbolic structuring of human and social…
Silabus & Materi: Teori Identitas, Demokrasi dan Kewarganegaraan (2021)
Identitas dan kewargaan merupakan fenomena kontemporer yang menarik sekaligus menantang untuk dipelajari secara khusus. Hal ini sebagian terbesar dikondisikan oleh perubahan multidimensi yang dialami individu, masyarakat, negara dan juga hubungan antar masyarakat dan antar-negara. Sebagai fenomena sosiologis, identitas dan kewargaan memberi karakteristik tersendiri bagi perkembangan masyarakat modern dan masyarakat posmodern yang ditandai dengan dinamika hubungan…
Dialektika, Perubahan, dan Transformasi (2023)
Tulisan ini membahas krisis dalam hubungannya dengan perkembangan masyarakat yang bersifat dinamis, dialektis, dan transformatif. Dimensi transformatif dari sebuah perubahan terletak pada kapasitas dialektis yang memungkinkan berbagai jenis elemen bertansformasi menciptakan sistem yang baru, baik sebagai framework berpikir maupun kebijakan. Disebut demikian karena masyarakat bukanlah sebuah format yang ajek namun senantiasa berubah. Dari cara berpikir…