Tag: Vandana Shiva
The Violence of the Green Revolution: Third World Agriculture, Ecology and Politics (Vandana Shiva, 2016)
IN 1970, Norman Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for ‘a new world situation with regard to nutrition . . .’. According to the Nobel Prize Committee, ‘the kinds of grain which are the result of Dr Borlaug’s work speed economic growth in general in the developing countries.’1 The ‘miracle seeds’ that Borlaug had…
What is Biopiracy? (Vandana Shiva, 2001)
Biopiracy refers to the use of intellectual property systems to legitimize the exclusive ownership and control over biological resources and biological products and processes that have been used over centuries in non-industrialized cultures. Patent claims over biodiversity and indigenous knowledge that are based on the innovation, creativity and genius of the people of the Third…